Clockwise from top
Mary Simpson: No Island is an Island, Haynes Court, 2021.
Deborah Boardman: Painter, &, Hyde Park Art Center, 2019.
People’s Pamphlets, Printers Ball, 2016.
Twelve Variations, Chicago Artists Coalition, 2013.
The Heart of the Matter, Donnelley Foundation, 2015.
Society!, Evanston Art Center, 2016.
Material Assumptions, Center for Book and Paper Arts, 2014.
Human, Human, Loyala University, 2018.
Mary Simpson: No Island is an Island, Haynes Court, 2021.
Deborah Boardman: Painter, &, Hyde Park Art Center, 2019.
People’s Pamphlets, Printers Ball, 2016.
Twelve Variations, Chicago Artists Coalition, 2013.
The Heart of the Matter, Donnelley Foundation, 2015.
Society!, Evanston Art Center, 2016.
Material Assumptions, Center for Book and Paper Arts, 2014.
Human, Human, Loyala University, 2018.
~ Selected Archive
Zarouhie Abdalian: Interregna
Mary Simpson: No Island is an Island
Writing, images
Claudia Hart: The Unfolding
Writing, images
Cito, Longe, Tarde
Yuji Agematsu, Ally Almore, Daniel Baird, John Divola, Matt Hanner, Jenine Marsh, Alva Mooses, Julia Phillips
Writing, images
Let’s Do It
New works by Ben Blount, Johanna Drucker, Fata Morgana Press, Krista Franklin, Brad Freeman, Audrey Niffenegger with Hannah Batsel, Melissa Potter
Writing, images
Deborah Boardman: Painter, &
Catalog, images, press, press, press
Human Human
Danielle E. Campbell, Jeff Carter, Helen Maurene Cooper, Barbara Koenen, Kathryn O'Halloran, Kirsten Leenaars, Ernesto Pujo, Protest Banner Lending Library, Mary Simpson, Pedro Velez, Rhonda Wheatley, Scott Wolniak
Writing, images
How Much Land
Josue Pellot & Josh Reames, Anna Kunz, Amanda William, Jessica Caponigro, Ryan Richey, Philip von Zweck, Alison Reimu, Diane Christiansen, Zoe Nelson, Deborah Handler, Erin Washington
Writing, images
Century Safe
Mara Baker, Stella J. Brown, Lindsey French, Becky Grajeda, Ben Grosser, Elizabeth Housewright, Nate Larson & Marni Shindelman, Nazafarin Lotfi, Christian Ortiz, John Preus, Risa Recio, Leo Selvaggio, Miller & Shellabarger, Levi Sherman, Deb Sokolow, John Tennison, Ryan Thompson, Erin Washington and Julie Weber
Writing, images, press
Heart of the Matter
Alex Bradley Cohen, Laura Davis, Howard Fonda, Roberto Jamor, Anna Kunz, Esau McGhee, Jovencio de la Paz, Josue Pelot, LJ Roberts, Jean Schuster, Alice Tippet, Polly Yates
Writing, images
People’s Pamphlets
Gareth Long, Fred Sasaki, Kyle Schlie, Judith Brotman, Ryan Richey, Johanna Drucker, Academy Records, Melissa Potter and Jillian Bruschera, Krista Franklin, Maddie Reyna, Lise Haller Baggesen, Cauleen Smith, Cathy Alva Mooses, Shaan Syed, Ernesto Pujol, Leonardo Selvaggio, Maria Gaspar, Gurl Don't Be Dumb, Phaedra Call, Michael Milano, Kelly Lloyd, Dianna Frid, Conrad Bakker, Rachel Foster, Ian Weaver, and Sonja Thomsen
Writing and images
Judith Brotman, Kirsten Leenaars, David Giordano, Adriana Kuramillo, Pedro Velez
Writing, images
Structures for Reading
Jessica Bardsley, Tony Cruz, Moyra Davey, Matthew Girson, Eva Kotátková, Sebastian Schmieg, Liz Sales, Sterling Lawrence, Gareth Long, Judith Leemann, Johana Moscoso, Sebura+Gartelmann
Writing, images, press, press, interview
Material Assumptions
Polly Apfelbaum, Sonya Blesofsky, Nina Bovasso, Mel Bochner, Beth Campbell, Chuck Close, Ian Cooper, William Kentridge, Matt Keegan, Glenn Ligon, Jessica Stockholder and Richard Tuttle, and new commisions by: Deborah Boardman, Annica Cuppetelli & Cristobal Mendoza, Dan Devening, Susan Goethel Campbell, Daniel Luedtke, Kate McQuillen, Niall McClelland, Zoe Nelson, Julie Schenkelberg, Ian Schneller, Matthew Shlian and Anna Tsantir
Writing, images
Word on the Street
SUPERFLEX, Jonathan Monk, Laura Kina, Chris Dorland, Mark Dean Veca, Joel Ross (with Jason Creps), Jason Thomas Pallas, Jaclyn Jacunski, Peter Liversidge, Jeffrey T. Jones, Eric May, Steve Lambert, Nicolas Lampert, Justseeds, and Howling Mob Society
Writing, images
Social Paper
Loreto Apilado and Trisha Martin, Laura Anderson Barbat, Kim Berman, Combat Paper, Nick Dubois, Fresh Press (University of Illinois), Julia Goodman, Sheroanawe Hakihiiwe, Alva Moose, Paper Road Tibet, Peace Paper, Maggie Puckett, John Risseeuw
Kiff Slemmons, The People’s Library (Richmond, Women’s Studio Workshop
Catalog, images
Twelve Variations
Victoria Bradford / Ronny Quevedo, Kristina Felix / Stephanie Brooks, Johana Mosocoso, / Dianna Fri, Jessica Bardsley / Vesna Pavlovic, Kristin Nason / Scott Fortin, Rebecca Hamlin Green / Allison Reimus Writing, images
This is Paul Halupka
Alberto Aguilar, Pamela Bannos, Viv Corringham, Adam Farcus, Regan Golden, Bill Guy, Kirsten Leenaars, Daniel Melli, Ryan Richey, Michael X. Ryan, Fred Sasaki, Allison Yasukaw, Mary Lou Zelazny
Writing, images, press
The Moments Between
Rafael E. Vera, Jessica Bardsley, Jaclyn Jacunski, Kirsten Leenaars, and Sonja Thomsen
Noelle Allen, Mara Baker, Deb Handler
Writing, images
Outposts, Satellites and Orphan Planets
Rachel Foster
Writing, images
Nomadic Text
Joseph Grigely, Mark Holmes, Alex Valentine, Karen Reimer, Jason Pickleman, Stephanie Brooks, Steven Miglio, Rachel Foster and Rebecca Foster
Writing, images
Laura Marney, Seamus McGuinness, Paula Henderson, Paul LaMantia, Samantha Bittman, Michael Milano, Mary Lou Zalazny, John Stezaker, Andreas Schon, Thomas Roach, Eve Sussman, Atelier Van Lieshout, Rebecca Morris and Marcel Breuer
Writing, images
Untitled (Field Work)
Amanda Repo Tawio Thomson, The Franks, Conrad Bakker, Jason Lazarus, Carrie Schneider, Carey Lin, Andrew Coppersmith and Nicholas Frank
Writing, images, press
Mara Baker, Heather Mekkelson, Adam Farcus, Rafael E. Vera, Brian Yates, Heidi Norton
Writing, images

Notes, clockwise from top
1 Deborah Boardman: Painter, &, Hyde Park Art Center, 2019-19.
2 People’s Pamphlets, Printers Ball, 2016.
3 Twelve Variations, Chicago Artists Coalition, 2013.
4 The Heart of the Matter, Donnelley Foundation, 2015.
5 Society!, Evanston Art Center, 2016.
5 Material Assumptions, Center for Book and Paper Arts, 2014.
5 Human, Human, Loyala University, 2018.
1 Deborah Boardman: Painter, &, Hyde Park Art Center, 2019-19.
2 People’s Pamphlets, Printers Ball, 2016.
3 Twelve Variations, Chicago Artists Coalition, 2013.
4 The Heart of the Matter, Donnelley Foundation, 2015.
5 Society!, Evanston Art Center, 2016.
5 Material Assumptions, Center for Book and Paper Arts, 2014.
5 Human, Human, Loyala University, 2018.
Let’s Do It
~ Twenty-three years of book and paper
Let's Do It: Twenty-three Years of Book and Paper
The Center for Book and Paper Arts, 1994 - 2017
September 3 - October 23, 2019
Research Timeline: Artists' Books in Chicago
New Projects by:
Hannah Batsel with Audrey Niffenegger
Ben Blount
Brad Freeman and Johanna Drucker
Fata Morgana Press
Krista Franklin
Melissa HiIIiard Potter
Let’s Do It presents newly commissioned projects by artists affiliated with the Center for Book and Paper Arts--alum, of sorts--alongside artwork, photographs, and documents from the Center’s archives. In siting the past alongside the present, we can form a picture of what a book and paper practice looks like today.
From artists’ books to installation, both newly commissioned projects and archival materials will reveal the spectrum of practices that thrived at the Center and that were presented through exhibitions, residencies, and publishing. It was through these activities that the Center made great strides in not only the “centering” of book, paper, and print from the margins of contemporary art, but also in helping audiences better understand these practices and mediums aesthetically and historically.
Additional Contributions and artworks by:
Jeff Abell, Laura Anderson Barbata, Alex Borgen, Paul Catanese, Don Colley, Reni Gower, Tom Greensfelder, Sheroanawë Hakihiiwë, Alison Knowles, Kate McQuillen, Clifton Meador, Miller & Shellabarger, Ayanah Moor, C. Alva Mooses, Kate Morgan, Teresa Pankratz, Judith Poirier, Bruno Richard and Mark Fischer, Miriam Schaer, Vida Sacic, April Sheridan, Stacey Stern, Marilyn Sward, Amaranth Borsuk / Kate Durbin / Ian Hatcher, and others.
A special edition of the Journal of Artists’ Books (JAB) will be published on the occasion of the exhibition. Edited by Brad Freeman, JAB46 features essays by Jessica Cochran, Brandon Graham, David Jones and Melissa Hilliard Potter. JAB46 is available for purchase in ShopColumbia or the ShopColumbia website: http://shop.colum.edu/jab46.html
This program was presented by the Department of Exhibitions, Performance and Student Spaces and created with research support from Julia Arredondo and College Archives & Special Collections at Columbia College Chicago. This is supported by the Art & Art History exhibition Department at Columbia College Chicago and partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

Images, counter-clockwise from top.
1 Curatorial Practice course, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
2 The Visible Side: Student Run Exhibitions, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
3 Final presentations, Exhibition Incubator, School of the Art Institution of Chicago.
4 Material Assumptions: Paper as Dialogue, exhibition independent study, Columbia College Chicago
5 Assignment snapshot: Annotated bibliographies for exhibitions, Exhibitions Incubator course, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
1 Curatorial Practice course, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
2 The Visible Side: Student Run Exhibitions, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
3 Final presentations, Exhibition Incubator, School of the Art Institution of Chicago.
4 Material Assumptions: Paper as Dialogue, exhibition independent study, Columbia College Chicago
5 Assignment snapshot: Annotated bibliographies for exhibitions, Exhibitions Incubator course, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
~ Selected courses
Communicating Cultural Change (graduate), Department of Arts Administration and Policy, School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Fall 2021
Artists and the Art Market, Department of Art Business and Entrepreneurship, Columbia College Chicago: Spring 2022
Art and the World of Big Money, Department of Arts Administration and Policy, School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Spring 2021, Fall 2022
Exhibitions Incubator, Department of Arts Administration and Policy, School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Fall 2019, 2020; Spring 2022, Spring 2023
Financial Management for Nonprofits (graduate), Department of Arts Administration and Policy, School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Spring 2018
The Visible Side: Student-run Exhibitions, Department of Arts Administration & Policy, School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Fall 2017
Art Fairs and Biennials: History, Theory and Practice, Department of Arts Administration and Policy, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Spring 2014 - 2019
Statements, Grants and Proposals (graduate), Dept of Arts Administration & Policy, School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Fall 2015, Spring 2017
Curatorial Practice (graduate), Dept of Arts Administration & Policy, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Spring 2016
(Graduate Advisor) MFA Thesis Exhibition, Interdisciplinary Arts Department, Columbia College Chicago, Fall 2013 - Spring 2014
Directed Graduate Projects, Interdisciplinary Arts Department, Columbia College Chicago, Summer 2013
The Art of Collaboration: Curatorial Practice (graduate), Interdisciplinary Arts Department, Columbia College Chicago, Spring 2013
Art Gallery and Marketplace Management (graduate), Department of Arts Entertainment, and Media Management, Columbia College Chicago, Spring 2012
Issues in Contemporary Art, Department of Art and Art History, Dominican University, Fall 2011 – Spring 2012
Teaching Assistant: Art History Survey 1 & 2, Department of Art History, Theory and Criticism, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Fall 2006 – Spring 2007

1 Deborah Boardman: Painter, &, Columbia College Chicago, 2018.
2 Social Paper, catalog, Columbia College Chicago, 2015.
3 Let’s Do It! Twenty-three Years of Book and Paper: The Center for Book and Paper Arts, 1994 - 2017, Journal of Artists’ Books, 2019.
1 Deborah Boardman: Painter, &, Columbia College Chicago, 2018.
2 Social Paper, catalog, Columbia College Chicago, 2015.
3 Let’s Do It! Twenty-three Years of Book and Paper: The Center for Book and Paper Arts, 1994 - 2017, Journal of Artists’ Books, 2019.
~ Selected essays
Pat Hearne, Printed Matter, and Ivan Karp: entries for the Art Market Dictionary, spring 2021
Let's Do It! A History of the Center for Book and Paper Arts, 1994 - 2017
Journal of Artists' Books, fall 2019
Deborah Boardman: Painter, &, fall 2018
Human Human, fall 2017
How Much Land, summer 2016
Century Safe Chicago, spring 2016
The Heart of the Matter, winter 2016
Deborah Boardman In Memoriam
Bad at Sports, Fall 2015
Catalog Essay, MFA Thesis Exhibition
Columbia College Chicago, summer 2015
Rafael E. Vera: on Materials and Margins, winter 2015
Notes on Prospect 3
Bad at Sports, fall 2014
Noelle Allen: Aesthetics of Accumulation, spring 2014
Remembering the Dead
Bad at Sports, spring 2014
Empty-Full: A curatorial response to the work of Matt Hanner and Academy Records in the Whitney Biennial
Bad at Sports, spring 2014
Papermaking and Social Action
Art in Print Issue 3, Volume 6
Jaclyn Jacunski: From Fence to Form, fall 2013
SMS: Simultaneous Moments of Silence, a photobook by DIAZ LEWIS COLLABORATIVE, fall 2013
Miriam Schaer: What's Your Baby?, summer 2013
Curating Homeword, summer 2013
Small Fish, Big Pond
Association of Art Museum Curators Annual Conference Blog
Indelicate Objects, spring 2013
The Artist as Reader, winter 2013
Thoughts on Triangulation, winter 2012
Super Heroes on the Ground, fall 2012
Curating as Pedagogy, Paper as Dialogue, summer 2012
Rafael E. Vera: Structure as Subject, fall 2011
The World As Text, summer 2011
Reportage, summer 2011
Artists and Offset: An interview with Alex Valentine, spring 2011
From Nacionalismo to Now, winter 2010
Trading Paper, August 2010
Stuff and the Studio, summer 2010
Strange and Funny Bedfellows: Studio Visits 101 by way of Steven Colbert, summer 2010
Return to Function
Proximity, summer 2009
Interview: Jeff Koons, summer 2008
Indexical Frontiers
Proximity, spring 2008
Portrait of the Artist: Joseph Grigely, winter 2008
Grass Roots Gallerists, fall 2006
In Conversation with Sandra Percival
Curating Now, fall 2005

Jessica Cochran
- I am Deputy Director at the Renaissance Society, an independent 501(c)3 contemporary art museum located on the University of Chicago campus. There, I work to manage the institution's resources to best enable the Ren's mission to support contemporary artists and ideas.
- An educator, I am a Lecturer in the Department of Arts Administration and Policy at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. There I teach courses related to curatorial practice and history, art world and market studies, professional development, and nonprofit finance.
- I founded Haynes Court in 2020. This project space is located in a converted garage in the back of a former bakery turned residence, where I live in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood. Haynes shows work by contemporary artists working in Chicago and internationally.
- Art & Field is my collection and curatorial management advisory for which I primarily help clients grow and manage their art collections, as well as consult on a range of projects related to exhibitions. I have worked with the Rodney D. Lubeznik Collection, Balyasny Asset Management, Spear Street Capital, Valerio Dewault Tran & Associates, the Chicago Architecture Biennial, and the Evanston Art Center in addition to numerous private clients. *I am not currently taking clients.
- As an independent curator, I have organized dozens of exhibitions, recently for Columbia College Chicago, Hyde Park Art Center, Loyola University, and the Center for Book Arts in New York. My projects have garnered reviews in Artforum, Art Papers, the Chicago Tribune, Art in Print, Chicago Reader, Newcity, and others.
Named to Newcity’s “Art 50” in 2022 and a "curator to watch" by Chicago Magazine in 2013, I have independently curated exhibitions for numerous organizations, including the Contemporary Arts Council, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, The Franklin, What it Is, the MDW art fair and Center for Book Arts in New York.
For over seven years, I was a curator in academic galleries at Columbia College Chicago and Dominican University. Prior to that, I developed innovative public programming as Director of Marketing and Programs at Art Chicago and NEXT: The Invitational Exhibition of Emerging Art, where I organized the inaugural Converge Chicago: Contemporary Curators Forums.
Academically and curatorially, my broad areas of interest include emerging art, the history and theory of curatorial practice, art world studies, artists' books, and social practice; my curating has received the support of the Clinton Hill Foundation and Craft Research Fund, and I have presented my research at the College Art Association Annual Conference, as well as Open Engagement.
My writing has appeared in journals, magazines and exhibition catalogs for numerous museums, organizations and artists. I am a contributor De Gruyter’s Art Market Dictionary.
From 2013 until 2017 I served on the Board of Directors of Spudnik Press, and I served on the Junior Board of Directors of threewalls.